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C++ String Performance

Teststring7.cpp and teststring8.cpp, both available electronically, test the fastest mode (Mode 1: no heap allocation or copying, just setting a pointer). Example 5(a) is the result for teststring7, and 5(b) for teststring8. As expected, it's blazingly fast. Table 1 summarizes the performance test results.

Thread <1024>: Creating/destroying 100000 strings...
Thread <1024>: total time=3 millisecs, average=0.000030

Thread <1026>: Creating/destroying 100000 strings...
Thread <1026>: total time=3 millisecs, average=0.000030
Thread <3076>: Creating/destroying 100000 strings...
Thread <3076>: total time=4 millisecs, average=0.000040
Thread <4101>: Creating/destroying 100000 strings...
Thread <4101>: total time=3 millisecs, average=0.000030
Thread <5126>: Creating/destroying 100000 strings...
Thread <5126>: total time=3 millisecs, average=0.000030
Thread <6151>: Creating/destroying 100000 strings...
Thread <6151>: total time=3 millisecs, average=0.000030
Thread <7176>: Creating/destroying 100000 strings...
Thread <7176>: total time=3 millisecs, average=0.000030
Thread <8201>: Creating/destroying 100000 strings...
Thread <8201>: total time=4 millisecs, average=0.000040
Thread <9226>: Creating/destroying 100000 strings...
Thread <9226>: total time=3 millisecs, average=0.000030
Thread <10251>: Creating/destroying 100000 strings...
Thread <10251>: total time=4 millisecs, average=0.000040
Thread <2051>: Creating/destroying 100000 strings...
Thread <2051>: total time=3 millisecs, average=0.000030

Example 5: (a) The results of running teststring7.cpp; (b) results of running teststring8.cpp.

Table 1: Performance test results.

Mode 1 (fastest) is 35 times faster than std::string in a one-thread application and 2500(!) times faster for the application with just 10 threads. A no-frills Mode 3 string with heap allocation and copying is still 100 times faster than std::string for a 10-thread application thanks to the absence of the reference counting/COW optimization.

Real-World Example

In the real world, many C++ applications get their input from C network protocols or database drivers. In the case of strings, one popular use is as keys in the STL map. Listing Five does exactly that—it accepts parameters as C strings, converts them to C++ strings, and uses them as keys for the STL map. Now take a closer look at the function calls ci=m_mymap.find(str); and m_mymap.erase (str);.

Listing Five looks benign until you realize that every time you do a lookup or erase, you create a temporary string object (with heap allocation and value copying). This temporary string object is created through the std::string(char*) constructor. This object's lifespan is just the duration of the map::find/erase call: It's destroyed right before return (with another heap hit, of course). It sounds expensive—and it is. So what can you do? The first solution may be to use pointers to the strings instead of the strings themselves. It would solve a creation-of-objects problem, but burdens you with memory management and comparison issues (remember a map is a balanced tree that always keeps its contents sorted).

Listing Five

class CMyMap
  map < string, int > m_mymap;
  void add ( const char *str, int i )
    m_mymap[str] = i;
  void remove ( const char *str )
    m_mymap.erase ( str );
  bool find ( const char *str, int *res )
    map < string, int >::const_iterator ci;
    ci = m_mymap.find(str);
    bool found = ( ci != m_mymap.end() );
    if ( found )
       *res = ci->second;
    return found;

The preferred solution would be to have all the beauty of using C++ string objects as keys, but with the C speed of conversion between C strings and C++ strings for the temporary strings. That's where my new Mode 1 (FAST_STRING) shines. To achieve the speed of temporary C strings and still be able to use C++ strings for the lookup, take a look at Listing Six and testmap.cpp (available electronically). Mode 3 (value allocated on the heap) is used only when the new element is added. For the lookup and erase, the fastest Mode 1 strings are used (just setting the pointer).

Listing Six

class CMyMap
  map < CGenString, int > m_mymap;
  typedef map < CGenString, int > GenStringIntMap;
  void add ( const char *str, int i )
    m_mymap[str] = i;
  void remove ( const char *str )
    m_mymap.erase ( s );
  bool find ( const char *str, int *res )
    map < CGenString, int >::const_iterator ci;
    ci = m_mymap.find(s);
    bool found = ( ci != m_mymap.end() );
    if ( found )
      *res = ci->second;
    return found;

There is no allocation and no copying, which means that you have a real automatic (stack) string variable with all the performance of C strings and all power/convenience of the STL map. The constructor and destructor are extremely simple for the fastest (Mode 1) strings—just setting a pointer in the constructor, and no-op in the destructor.

Possible Improvements

One area of improvement would be adding support for multibyte characters. A good way to do this would be to follow STL string design (where string is typedefed to basic_string <char>) and add another template parameter for the actual character type.

Lev is a principal engineer at Netscape/AOL and can be contacted at [email protected] or [email protected].

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