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Web Development

Bringing the Desktop Application to the Web

Enter AJAX

Near the end of Version 1.0 development, we ran across a web-based application that was completely built using AJAX—and we realized that this was what we wanted. However, when we tried to introduce elements of AJAX into Version 1.0, we found it difficult to integrate with the current architecture, and our framework was still missing some Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools. At the same time, Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, .NET 2.0, and SQL Server 2005 were set for release, and we faced the decision to either continue working with our existing framework, or to use these new releases and tools as a new foundation.

Because we knew that the current architecture was quickly going to become a dinosaur, we decided to continue offering and supporting xWorkForce.com 1.0, while starting from scratch and radically redesigning xWorkForce.com into a true rich web app.

But even with a clean slate, we faced a number of challenges in regard to meeting our new development objectives:

  • Limitations on the HTTP protocol and the fact that there is only so much that can be done over the Internet.
  • While .NET provided a basic toolbox of objects to present and accept data over the Internet, we needed more—but developing a rich control set would be time prohibitive.
  • While we were experts in a variety of areas of software development and IT, we had limited experience with developing applications using AJAX.

Still, we envisioned Version 2.0 as a completely redesigned application that could return data quickly and efficiently. Rather than returning an entire web page for each request (and the overhead associated with it), we designed an infrastructure that would update only a small portion of information on the page. This would improve the desktop client-like experience we wanted, increase the speed of the application, and reduce the strain on host servers.

In addition, Version 2.0 needed a more intuitive user experience. With most people dependent on e-mail, we decided the best approach would be an application featuring navigation similar to popular e-mail applications. The last major requirement was that xWorkForce.com needed to be a robust application with a fat client look and feel, featuring quick reporting, available stats, and easy-to-add forms and fields.

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