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Open Source

Checkpointing, CHPOX, and Linux


To begin using CHPOX, you need to download and install the CHPOX package. The latest CHPOX release had been tested to work on Linux kernel 2.4.28 and should be compatible with the latest 2.4.x Linux kernel releases. CHPOX is released in source-code format and Debian package format. In this article, since we explain how to compile, install, and use CHPOX, we assume that you will use source-code format. You need to compile it against Linux kernel source. CHPOX supports the IA32, PowerPC, s390 and s390x (64-bit version of s390) architectures.

You can either use the kernel header prepackaged with your Linux distribution or download kernel source from www.kernel.org. Just remember that CHPOX is made to be fully compatible with 2.4.x releases, a port to the Linux kernel 2.6 series is still work in progress. You need to unpack the kernel source and at least do:

$ make [config|menuconfig|xconfig]
$ make dep

To prevent problem when loading CHPOX module, configure the kernel source exactly like the running kernel. On most distro, kernel configuration is kept in the /boot directory with names like config-2.4.20-19.9 or something similar. If you have one, simply copy it to the kernel source directory and rename it to:

#make config


#make oldconfig

Doing so produces the kernel configuration needed by CHPOX to detect certain things such as which architecture the kernel is running on, and whether openMosix support is needed or not and so on.

Configuring and installing CHPOX is straightforward. After downloading the latest tarball from the CHPOX Web site, unpack it and do:

# ./configure --with-linux=/path/to/your/linux-kernel-source


# ./configure -with-linux=/path/to/your/linux-kernel-source \

Providing the path to System.map is necessary if you plan to use CHPOX on top of a kernel that is patched with openMosix, because there are some symbols (functions) which aren't exported. Therefore, by looking at its offset address, CHPOX can simply call it by reference. First form of configuration is usually the one you need.

To compile and install the actual CHPOX module and the userspace tools, type:

#make install

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