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A Pseudo-Terminal Class for Unix

March 1998/A Pseudo-Terminal Class for Unix


Suppose you are asked to integrate a legacy application, which you connect to using telnet, into your Unix graphical user environment. The simplest way to accomplish this is to use an xterm, with the -c command line switch, to automatically start a telnet session to the legacy system (xterm -c telnet hostname). Problem solved, right? Well almost, but what about value-added features such as menus, accelerator keys, macros, and all the other benefits of a graphical user interface (GUI)? Now that the user is in a GUI environment, it seems like the legacy applications also should be able to take advantage of these features. This article shows how at least some of these productivity enhancements can be added to the legacy application, without modifying the source, in a quick and simple fashion. The way to do it is to use pseudo-terminals.

What is a Pseudo-Terminal?

A pseudo-terminal (abbreviated pty) is a pair of devices, or files; one behaves as a master and the other a slave. Data written to the master appears as input to the slave and data written to the slave appears as input to the master. The slave portion of the pty can be used by a child process as its terminal device (stdin, stdout, and stderr); the master half can be used by a parent process to handle the child's input and output. You can think of ptys as a much fancier, or heavyweight, use of pipes — pipes that are bidirectional and support different line disciplines. (See the Unix termio(s) or tty man pages for more information on line disciplines.)

To integrate the legacy application, the ptys can be used in conjunction with an xterm, telnet, and a mediator process to give the user accelerators and macros. The big picture looks something like Figure 1. All user input into the xterm is routed through the mediator (where it can be examined for accelerator keys, macro expansion, logging, etc.) and then forwarded to the legacy application via telnet. Similarly, everything the legacy system writes to telnet passes through the mediator and on to the user's xterm.

The only misleading thing about this picture is that xterm does not actually use stdin and stdout for its input and output. Fortunately, the designers of xterm had this sort of master/slave problem in mind, so all you need do is tell xterm, via the -S command line switch, the name of the slave pty to use. This is all made possible because ptys are devices and therefore can be opened by name like any other file. (They usually exist in the /dev directory.)

The Pseudo-terminal Class

Creating a pseudo-terminal is a three step process: find the next available master pty, open the master, and finally open the associated slave. Which variant of Unix you are running determines just what has to be done to perform these operations. For demonstration purposes, the code presented here will work under both Linux and Solaris using g++; porting to another Unix variant may involve some minor adjustments.

I've created a PseudoTerminal class to handle all the details of creating a pty, setting the line disciplines, starting a child process using the slave half of the pty, and inserting/extracting data. Its definition appears in Listing 1.

pty Construction

The pty constructor automatically opens the master half of the pty during the construction of a PseudoTerminal object. This is possibly the most confusing part about ptys: how they are opened. To understand how ptys are opened you first must understand how they are organized in the file system. Generally, ptys exist in /dev/ptyXY, where X can be p, q, r, or s; and Y can range from 0 to F hex. To open a pty you start at the first one available, /dev/ptyq0, and if that fails you continue attempting to open the next one until you find an available one or you run out of options. Once you have opened the master pty the corresponding slave device will be /dev/ttyXY, where the X and Y are the same as the master pty's. Note that the slave device is not opened until the slave method is called explicitly or a child process is started by the forkvp method (more on this later).

The pty constructor also allocates an internal buffer for use in the read method, the size of which can be specified during construction. The internal buffer provides the convenience of not having to pass a buffer to the read method, and it enables the extraction operators to be used.

If the constructor cannot open a master pty device it throws an exception. For simplicity's sake, the integer errno is the only exception thrown by a PseudoTerminal object. (Obviously, you can change this behavior if you want to provide more robust exception handling.)

Understanding Line Disciplines

A terminal's line discipline determines whether or not characters are echoed, whether the eighth bit is stripped, what the erase character is, etc. These settings are used by many terminal programs, such as telnet or a shell, and if they are not setup properly the program will not function in a desirable manner. Once the master half of the pty has been opened via PseudoTerminal object construction, the next step is to set the slave terminal line discipline mode.

A terminal device typically operates either in raw mode (the default), or has some special settings such as echo on. (Other modes include cooked and cbreak — see the termio man page for more information.) If the child program using the slave pty needs a line discipline other than raw you can either open the slave portion of the pty, by calling slave, and then modify its line discipline, or pass the information into forkvp. Most of the time you can just copy stdin's line discipline using the copyMode(0, getSlaveFd()) utility method and get the settings you want. If however, you need a more sophisticated configuration you can setup a termio structure by hand and call setMode. (Hint, the stty -a command will come in handy in determining the current line mode setting.) Note also that all the line discipline utility methods are static, so they can be used to get and set the modes of other files such as stdin, etc.

Slave and Child Process Management

The PseudoTerminal class uses the forkvp method to start a child process that will use the slave portion of the pty as its stdin, stdout, and stderr. forkvp's signature is:

pid_t forkvp(char* argv[], bool control_terminal =
    false, struct termio* mode = NULL);

If a child process is already running, forkvp first terminates that process and then forks a new process for the child. If the new process has not already been opened to change the line mode, forkvp opens the slave half of the pty in the new process by calling PseudoTerminal::slave, and the terminal line discipline is set up. By default the line discipline is set to raw unless the mode argument is non-null, in which case forkvp calls the setMode method with the termio information.

If the control_terminal parameter to forkvp is true, the new process will be a controlling terminal. (A controlling terminal is one that can have job control and shells, and is a process group leader — when it dies all processes started by it will receive a SIGHUP signal.) Next, forkvp resets the stdin, stdout, and stderr files to use the slave portion of the pty and calls the execvp system call with argv to start the child process. (On some Unix systems, if the slave half of the pty is opened before the fork system call is made the master half of the pty will never get a read error when the child dies.) Finally, forkvp stores the child process id (pid) in the PseudoTerminal object and returns the pid to its caller.

Once a child process is started you can programmatically check to see if it is running by calling PseudoTerminal's isAlive method. isAlive uses the kill system call with the child's process id and the zero signal. Sending a zero signal effectively pings the process (no signal is raised in the child) because kill will return zero if the process is running, nonzero otherwise.

To kill the child process you can either destruct the PseudoTerminal object, or if you want the child's exit status you can call PseudoTerminal's terminate method. By default, terminate kills the child process with the SIGTERM signal (except when the object is destructed, in which case SIGKILL is used to insure that the process dies). terminate sends the kill signal, waits on the child to terminate, and then returns the value that the child exited with. Unless the child process has a SIGTERM signal handler, the return value of terminate will always be SIGTERM. In some cases you may need to take special care when using the SIGTERM signal because the process may not die. If this is a concern use either SIGKILL or an alarm as a timeout mechanism.

After a child process has completed running, or is killed by terminate, the PseudoTerminal object can be reused to start another child process. This is possible because the slave half of the pty is a device that was opened in the child process, between the fork and execvp system calls. This capability can be useful if your program periodically starts a child process, such as a shell, and you want to save some time by not constructing and destructing PseudoTerminal objects.

Input and Output

Generally speaking, the slave half of the pty is used by a child process only as its stdin, stdout, and stderr devices (as setup by the forkvp method). The master half, however, looks like just another file to the parent process and can therefore benefit from C++'s IOstream operators. To make reading and writing to the master half of the pty easier, class PseudoTerminal provides both read and write methods as well as some insertion and extraction IOstream operators.

The read method reads data into the PseudoTerminal object's internal data buffer (the size of which can be set during construction) using the read system call. It null-terminates the string, and returns the number of bytes read. If an error occurs during the read, PseudoTerminal::read throws an integer exception, errno, but only if its throw_exception parameter is true. It might seem odd to specify whether or not to throw an exception, but I provide the option so that programs that use read directly (that is, not using the extraction operator) can check the return value without having to use a try-catch block. Such programs can then access the data read by calling PseudoTerminal's getBuffer method and the number of bytes by calling getBufferCount.

Class PseudoTerminal provides two extraction operators, one to return a PseudoTerminal and one to return a String (as provided by the header String.h, from the g++ library.) Both extraction operators use PseudoTerminal's read method to read data from the source PseudoTerminal and write/set the results respectively. Extracting data from one PseudoTerminal into another simply reads the data from the source and writes it to the destination. For example, xterm_pty >> telnet_pty would read the data from the xterm and write it to the telnet process. Similarly, extracting a String simply assigns the contents of the internal buffer to the String. These extractors always call read with the throw_exception flag set to true.

PseudoTerminal's write method is a little more involved than read. write must insure that the number of requested bytes to write are actually written. Whether this feature is ever exercised depends upon how the kernel handles ptys, but as a safety precaution it's a good idea to always check the results of a write system call. Following read's exception handling model, write's throw_exception paraemeter determines whether or not it throws an integer exception for errors.

The PseudoTerminal class defines three insertion operators: one that inserts from another PseudoTerminal object (e.g. xterm_pty << telnet_pty), one that inserts from a String (xterm_pty << str), and one that inserts from a const char* (xterm_pty << "hello"). These operators call write with throw_exception set to true.

If you want to support more data types, you can always write additional insertion and extraction operators outside of the class definition as friends of the PseudoTerminal class.

PseudoTerminal Destruction

When the PseudoTerminal class goes out of scope, its destructor closes the master and slave portions of the pty and frees the internal buffer. If the child process was started by calling PseudoTerminal::forkvp, the destructor calls terminate to kill the process.

A Sample Mediator Program

As outlined earlier, the method presented for enhancing a legacy system is to write a mediator program that starts an xterm using a pty, start a telnet session to the legacy system using another pty, and monitor the input from the user (xterm) for accelerators and macros (to telnet). The code required to do this using PseudoTerminals appears in Listing 2.

The PseudoTerminal class provides enough information via its accessor methods to start the xterm with the -S command-line option. The only thing I haven't covered is the use of the select system call. In this example, select blocks until data is available for reading from either the xterm or telnet process. (select uses fds to determine what files to block for.) When select returns, the program uses the Standard C FD_ISSET macro (in sys/time.h) to determine which pty has input ready for reading. In the example, the mediator only looks for the ^Q (quit) accelerator key — but it's enough to give you the general idea. The full source code for the PseudoTerminal class is available on the CUJ ftp site (see p. 3 for downloading instructions).

And finally — the bonus! The way the X Window system is designed makes it possible to write a mediator GUI application that contains the xterm as a child window. This means the mediator GUI treats the xterm as it would any other window; the user sees the mediator and xterm as one. In other words, the mediator can put a menu, status bar, busy dialogs, the works, all seemingly on the xterm. If this sounds complicated, or involved, it's really not. The mediator GUI simply starts the xterm with the overrideRedirect resource set to true, so the window manager will ignore it, and monitors the root window for the ConfigureNotify event that is generated by the xterm. (The xterm can be identified by its window id, which it writes to stdout when it is started with a slave pty — see the mediator example code in Listing 2. ) When the ConfigureNotify event arrives the mediator can reparent the xterm, XReparentWindow, into its main window.


The PseudoTerminal class greatly simplifies using ptys and provides a friendly interface for dealing with data and child processes. In all fairness, however, porting ptys to older variants of Unix can be somewhat difficult. If you are faced with such a problem the easiest solution is to look at the pty.c source file used in the vim editor (www.vim.org) and see how they handle the pty for the OS in question. Also, as mentioned above, the exception handling in this implementation is for demonstration purposes only. o

William L. Crowe is a consultant currently working for Northern Telecom in the Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. He is a software architect who specializes in Object-Oriented Design, GUI design, and Distributed Computing. Bill can be reached via email at [email protected].

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