TPJ One Liners

Short bits of code which will amaze, awaken, and amuse.

August 12, 2001

TPJ One-Liners - The Perl Journal


Adding a long list of numbers on the command line:
perl -e 'print eval join("+", @ARGV)' 6 10 20 11
9 16 17 28 100 33333 14 -7

appeared in Issue 7


A cheap alarm clock:
perl -e 'sleep(120); while (1) { print "\a" }'

appeared in Issue 7

#3    Using Perl from Emacs

To apply a Perl expression EXPR to a region:
C-u M-| perl -pe 'EXPR'
To apply EXPR to the entire buffer:
C-x h C-u M-| perl -pe 'EXPR'

Courtesy of Mark-Jason Dominus.
appeared in Issue 8

#4    Preserving case in a substitution

To replace substring $x with an equal length substring $y, but preserving the case of $x:Z

$string =~ s/($x)/"\L$y"^"\L$1"^$1/ie;

Courtesy of Dean Inada
appeared in Issue 8

#5    Exploiting the F00F Pentium bug

require DynaLoader;
         unpack("I", pack("P4", "\xF0\x0F\xC7\xC8")));
Do NOT execute this. It will crash your computer.

Courtesy of Gisle Aas
appeared in Issue 8

#6    Primality

perl -le 'print "PRIME" if (1 x shift) !~ /^(11+)\1+$/' 19
Type this from your command line to test whether 19 (or any other integer of your choosing) is prime.

Courtesy of Abigail, [email protected]
appeared in Issue 8

#7    An Absurd Way To Convert From Decimal To Binary


($decimal, $binary) = (shift, '');
$SIG(USR1) = sub { $binary .= "0"};
$SIG(USR2) = sub { $binary .= "1"};

do { kill $decimal & 1 ? 'USR2' : 'USR1' , $$;
     $decimal >>= 1;
} while ($decimal);

print scalar reverse $binary;

Courtesy of Nathan Torkington
appeared in Issue 9

#8    How To Patch Your Netscape Binary To Enable Strong Encryption

#!/usr/bin/perl -0777pi
s/TS:.*?\0/$_=$&;y,a-z, ,;s,    $,true,gm;s, 512,2048,;$_/es

Courtesy of Ian Goldberg
appeared in Issue 9

#9    How To Use The Perl Debugger as a Command-Line Interpreter

perl -de 0

appeared in Issue 9

#10    Using PDL to Generate Fractals

Using PDL to Generate Fractals
use PDL; use PDL::IO::Pic;$a=zeroes 300,300;

Courtesy of Tuomas J.Lukka
appeared in Issue 9

TPJ One-Liners - The Perl Journal

#11    The Game Of Life

The Game Of Life
use PDL; use PDL::Image2D;
use PDL::Graphics::TriD;nokeeptwiddling3d;
$k=byte [[1,1,1],[1,0,1],[1,1,1]];
do{ imagrgb [$d]; $s=conv2d($d,$k);
while (!twiddle3d);

Courtesy of Robin Williams
appeared in Issue 10

#12    DeMorgan's Rule

if (!$a || $b != $c) { ... }
is equivalent to
unless ( $a && $b == $c ) { ... }

appeared in Issue 10


Little-known facts about qr// (new with Perl 5.005): it has a magic print value, and it's an object of type Regexp.

% perl -le 'print "My regex: ", qr/^watch/i'
                               My regex: (?i-xsm:^watch this)
                            $rob = qr/red/i;
                            if ($rob->match("Fred Flintstone")) {
                                print "Got obj fred!\n";

                            sub Regexp::match {
                                my $self = shift;
                                my $arg = @_ ? shift : $_;
                                return $arg =~ /$arg/;

Courtesy of Tom Christiansen
appeared in Issue 11


Transpose a two-dimensional array:
@matrix_t = map{my$x=$_;[map {$matrix[$_][$x]}

Courtesy of Tuomas J. Lukka
appeared in Issue 11

#15    Primality

use PDL; use PDL::Graphics::TriD; $s=40;$a=zeroes

Courtesy of Tuomas J. Lukka
appeared in Issue 11


This code converts any GIF to an HTML table--each cell of the table corresponds to a pixel of the image. Use this to make your web advertisements seem like important content and circumvent Lincoln's Apache::AdBlocker. :

This code is online at
use GD;$f='#ffffff';$T=table;sub p{print @_}
p"<body bgcolor=$f>";for(@ARGV){open*G,$_ or(warn("$_:
": GD error"and next);@c=map{$_!=$g->transparent
$g->colorsTotal;p"<$T border=0 cellpadding=0
<td bgcolor=",$c[$g->getPixel($i,$j)],"
colspan=$s> "}}p"</$T>"}

Courtesy of Mike Fletcher
appeared in Issue 11


Ever wish backquotes didn't interpolate variables? qx() is a synonym for backquotes, but if you use single quotes as a delimiter, it won't interpolate: qx'echo $HOME' works.

Courtesy of Tom Christiansen
appeared in Issue 11


"Use m//g when you know what you want to keep, and split() when you know what you want to throw away."

Courtesy of Randal L. Schwartz
appeared in Issue 11


Count the lines of pod and code in a Perl program:

@a=(0,0);while(<>){++$a[not m/
^=\w+/s .. m/^=cut/s]} printf"%d
pod lines, %d code lines\n",@a;

Courtesy Sean M. Burke
appeared in Issue 11

#20    Results of the SunWorld reader survey (4,106 respondents)

Which of the following open source products do you have installed for WORK use?

Perl            83%
Sendmail        74%
Apache          72%
Linux           64%
Tcl             52%
Python          24%

Which of the following open source products do you have installed for PERSONAL use?

Perl            79%
Linux           77%
Apache          63%
Sendmail        61%
Tcl             55%
Python          34%

appeared in Issue 11

TPJ One-Liners - The Perl Journal


Picking random elements from an array:

$item = $array[rand @array];

appeared in Issue 12


If you're trying to get Windows to generate a PostScript file, but it wraps the file with PCL junk, you can remove it with this:

perl -ni -e "!$g&&s/^.*(%!.*)/$1/&&$g or print;last if /^%%

appeared in Issue 12


In the movie Sphere, the commands that Harry typed to translate the message were taken from Tom Christiansen's FAQ:

$BSD = -f '/vmunix'; if ($BSD) {system "BIN
cbreak </dev/tty >/dev/tty 2>&1
sub set_break { # &setset_cbreak(1) or &set_cbreak(0)
                        local($on) = $_[0];
			      require 'sys/';

Courtesy of Brendan O'Dea
appeared in Issue 12


Seperate the header and body of a mail message into strings

while (<>)  {
    $in_header =   1  ../^$/;
        $in_body   = /^$/ ..eof();

Courtesy of the Perl Cookbook
appeared in Issue 12


Simple numeric tests:

warn "has nondigits" if /\D/;
warn "not a natural number" unless /^\d+$/;
warn "not an integer" unless /^'?\d+$/;
warn "not an integer" unless /^[+']?\d+$/;
warn "not a decimal number" unless
             /^'?\d+\.?\d*$/; # rejects .2
warn "not a decimal number" unless
warn "not a C float" unless

Courtesy of The Perl Cookbook
appeared in Issue 12


Launching xterms with random colors. You might have to replace xterm with whatever command you use to launch a terminal window:

perl -e '$fg=rand 2**24; do { $bg = rand
2**24 } while (unpack("%32b*", pack "N",
($bg^$fg)&0xe0e0e0) < 8); ($fg, $bg) =
map { sprintf "#%06x", $_ } $fg, $bg;
exec("xterm", "-fg", $fg, "-bg", $bg);'

Courtesy of Tkil
appeared in Issue 12


Lop off the latter half of an array:

$#array /= 2;

Courtesy of The Perl Cookbook
appeared in Issue 12


perl -0nal012e '@a{@F}++; print for sort keys %a'
Extracts, sorts, and prints the words from a file.

Courtesy of Peter J. Kernan
appeared in Issue 13


This subroutine accepts a string and returns a true value if all of the parentheses, brackets, and braces in the string are balanced.

sub is_balanced {
                         my $it = $_[0];
                         $it =~ tr/()[]{}//cd;
                         while ($it =~ s/\(\)|\[\]|\{\}//g) { 1 }
                         return !length($it);

Courtesy Sean M. Burke
appeared in Issue 13


"Regular expressions are to strings what math is to numbers."

--Andrew Clinick, discussing what Microsoft thinks of Perl


Short answer: They like it.

appeared in Issue 13

TPJ One-Liners - The Perl Journal


perl -e  'print "Internet Time @",
  int (((time + 3600) % 86400)/86.4), "\n";'
Swatch's Internet Time, heralded as a revolutionary way
of measuring time independent of geography. See for details.

appeared in Issue 13

#32    A trick for indenting here strings

($definition = <<'FINIS') =~ s/^\s+//gm;
    The five varieties of camelids are the familliar
    camel, his friends the llama and the alpaca, and
    the rather less well-known guanaco and vicuna.

Courtesy of The Perl Cookbook
appeared in Issue 13


Efficiently finding the position of the first and last
occurrences of a substring in a string

$first = index($string, $substring);
$last = rindex($string, $substring);

appeared in Issue 13


Some scalars that Perl defines for you:

$^O contains the name of your operating system.
$^T contains the time at which your program began.
$O contains the name of your program

appeared in Issue 13

#35    If Dr. Seuss were a Perl programmer

# Will give errors if run with -w, so don't use -w :)
# Tested on NT with AS (5.005), GS (5.004_02), 
# and Solaris 2.6 (5.004_04)

if ("a packet hits a pocket") {
    On: a;
    socket(ON, A ,PORT,"")
           && the bus is interrupted as a very-last-resort
           && the address of the memory makes your 
              floppy disk, abort;
} else {

    "The socket packet pocket has an";
    error: to-report;

if ("your cursor finds a menu item") { 
    "followed by a dash"
            && "the double clicking icon";
    puts: your-items-in-the-trash
            && your data is corrupted cause the 
               index("doesn't", "hash");

} else {
   "Your situation is hopeless"
            && Your system's gonna crash;

if ("the label on the cable") {
    On-the-table, at-your-house;
    sub network {"is connected to the button on your mouse"};
    BUT: Your-packets, want-to; 
    {/tunnel to another protocol/};
    that's: repeatedly-rejected; 
    {/by the printer/}; "down the hall"
            && "YOUR SCREEN is all distorted";
    {/by the side effects of Gauss/};
    so: "your icons", in-the-window;
    "are as wavy as a souse";

} else {
    YOU: "may as well reboot" && "go out with a !";
    CAUSE: /Sure as Im a poet/;
    THIS: suckers-gonna-hang;

print "Seuss as a tech writer - Kevin Meltzer\n"; 

Courtesy of Kevin Meltzer
appeared in Issue 14


Neal Stephenson's latest novel, Cryptonomicon, includes a Perl cryptosystem code-named Pontifex. You can read about it at

appeared in Issue 14


Stripping the eighth bits from a string $s &= "\177" x length($s); Given a string in $s, this one-liner turns all of the "funny" characters (like or ) into regular seven-bit ASCII characters. It works by ANDing the bit representation of each character with 127, which removes the eighth bit. That turns into L and into N, for instance.

Courtesy of Tom Christiansen
appeared in Issue 14


Replacing tabs with spaces

perl -0011 -pi -e '/\011/&apm;&($_="$'")' filename

Courtesy of Abigail
appeared in Issue 14


Printing all capitalized words

perl -ne 'push@w,/(\b[A-Z]\S*?\b)/g;END{print"@w"}' file

appeared in Issue 14

TPJ One-Liners - The Perl Journal


A name game.

<$1$2 $1$2 $1o $1$2 / Bonana-Fanna-Fo-F$2 / 
Fe Fi Mo M$2 / $1$2!>i;

Courtesy of Sean M. Burke
appeared in Issue 15


Extracting balanced parentheses from a string

use strict
              ;sub                  pars
            {my(                     $l,$r
          )=map{                       "\Q$_"
        }split//                        ,shift;
      my(@s,@r                            ,$i,$o,
     $v);for(                             split/([
    $l$r])/,                                shift){
    /$l/and                                $s[++$o]=
   ++$i;for                                $v(1..$o)#
   {$r[$v].=                              $_ if$s[$v]
    >0}/$r/and                            $s[(grep##
     $s[$_]==                            $i,0..$#s)
      [0]]=-$i         ,--$i<0&&        last;}($i=
        shift)?        wantarray       ?@r[grep
          -$s[$_       ]==$i,0..       $#s]:$r
            [$i]:      splice@r,      1;}$,
              ="\n"     ;print       pars
                 (@      ARGV       )#

pars('()', "(123 (456) (789) 0)")

gives you the parenthesized substrings in order of appearance:

(123 (456) (789) 0),(456),(789)
pars('()', "(123 (456) (789) 0)", 2)

in a list context gives you list of substrings, opened on level 2:


in scalar context gives you the second substring:


Courtesy of Paul Clinger
appeared in Issue 15


Extract unique elements from a list given a key function

sub unique (&@) {
  my($c,%hash) = shift;
  grep { not $hash{&$c}++ } @_

@list = unique { $_       } @list;  
# Remove duplicate strings from @list.

@obj  = unique { $_->name } @obj;   
# Only include one object for 
# for each name.

Courtesy of Don Schwarz
appeared in Issue 15


Seven "Magic Cards." Have a friend think of a number from 1 to 100. Give them cards one at a time and ask if their number is on the card. Mentally sum the first digits of each card with a "yes" answer. Go into trance, say the magic word "Ultrix!" and announce their number. Known to win bar bets.

for $a(0..6){$b=1;for $c(1..100){if($c&2**$a){printf
"%3d ",$c;print"\n"if!($b++%10)}}print"\n\n\n"}

Courtesy of Bill Huston
appeared in Issue 15


Asteroid 2000 BF19 was thought to be on a potentially dangerous approach path for us Terrans, with a possible impact in 2022. A Perl program called showed that the asteroid cannot come any closer than 0.038 AU for the next fifty years. Sleep tight!

-Based on email from Andrea Milani and Scott Manley
appeared in Issue 17


Tracking the progress of a file as it downloads:

perl -e 'BEGIN{$|=1;$f=$ARGV[0];$s=(stat$f)[7];$t=time}
	    while(sleep 1){printf"\r$f %s bytes at %.2f Kb/s   ",


-Courtesy Philippe Bruhat
appeared in Issue 17


A full list of installed (but nonstandard) modules, and where they are located:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;                            # all variables must be declared
use Getopt::Std;                       # import the getopts method
use ExtUtils::Installed;               # import the package

use vars qw($opt_l $opt_s);            # declaring the two option switches
&getopts('ls');                        # $opt_l and $opt_s are set to 1 or 0
unless($opt_l or $opt_s) {             # unless one switch is true (1)
  die "pmods: A utility to list all installed (nonstandard) modules\n",
      "  Usage: -l  # list each module and all its directories\n",
      " -s  # list just the module names\n";

my $inst  = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
foreach my $mod ( $inst->modules() ) { # foreach of the installed modules
  my $ver = $inst->version($mod);      # version number of the module
     $ver = ($ver) ? $ver : 'NONE';    # for clean operation
  print "MODULE: $mod version $ver\n"; # print module names
  map { print "  $_\n" } $inst->directories($mod) if($opt_l);

-Courtesy William H. Asquith et al.
appeared in Issue 17


Print a message if a daylight savings time change occurs within the next 5 days:

    if (localtime(time))[8] ne (localtime(time+5*24*60*60))[8];

-Courtesy J.D. Laub


Reverse for syntax to print out Perl's include path:

perl -e 'print "$_\n" for @INC'

appeared in Issue 17


You can create a reference to a scalar like so:

   $ref = \$var;

In recent versions of Perl, you can also say:

   $ref = *var{SCALAR};

The same holds for other data types.

appeared in Issue 17

TPJ One-Liners - The Perl Journal


Upcoming in Perl 5.6:

A new keyword, our, which is like my but is package-aware.

appeared in Issue 17


$^O contains the name of your operating system.

appeared in Issue 17


The Data::Dumper module, bundled with Perl, can save data structures to disk as strings that can be read in by another program.

appeared in Issue 17

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