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A Theory of Programming


The implementation patterns aren't the way they are "just because". Each one expresses one or more of the values of communication, simplicity, and flexibility. Principles are another level of general ideas, more specific to programming than the values, that also form the foundation of the patterns.

Examining principles is valuable for several reasons. Clear principles can lead to new patterns, just as the periodic table of the elements led to the discovery of new elements. Principles can provide an explanation for the motivation behind a pattern, one connected to general rather than specific ideas. Choices about contradictory patterns are often best discussed in terms of principles rather than the specifics of the patterns involved. Finally, understanding principles provides a guide when encountering novel situations.

For example, when I encounter a new programming language I use my understanding of principles to develop an effective style of programming. I don't have to ape existing styles or, worse, cling to my style in some other programming language (you can write FORTRAN code in any language, but you shouldn't). Understanding principles gives me a chance to learn quickly and act with integrity in novel situations. What follows is the list of principles behind the implementation patterns.

Local Consequences

Structure the code so changes have local consequences. If a change here can cause a problem there, then the cost of the change rises dramatically. Code with mostly local consequences communicates effectively. It can be understood gradually without first having to assemble an understanding of the whole.

Because keeping the cost of making changes low is a primary motivation behind the implementation patterns, the principle of local consequences is part of the reasoning behind many of the patterns.

Minimize Repetition

A principle that contributes to keeping consequences local is to minimize repetition. When you have the same code in several places, if you change one copy of the code you have to decide whether or not to change all the other copies. Your change is no longer local. The more copies of the code, the more a change will cost.

Copied code is only one form of repetition. Parallel class hierarchies are also repetitive, and break the principle of local consequences. If making one conceptual change requires me to change two or more class hierarchies, then the changes have spreading consequences. Restructuring so the changes are again local would improve the code.

Duplication is not always obvious until after it has been created, and sometimes not for a while even then. Having seen it I can't always think of a good way to eliminate it. Duplication isn't evil, it just raises the cost of making changes.

One of the ways to remove duplication is to break programs up into many small pieces -- small statements, small methods, small objects, small packages. Large pieces of logic tend to duplicate parts of other large pieces of logic. This commonality is what makes patterns possible -- while there are differences between different pieces of code, there are also many similarities. Clearly communicating which parts of programs are identical, which parts are merely similar, and which parts are completely different makes programs easier to read and cheaper to modify.

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