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Adventures In X-treme Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is all about creating conversations and enabling users to collaboratively post content. It's also about authoring and customizing content to match individual interests.

EMS defines a few commonly used terms as follows:

  • A Weblog (blog) is a public or private journal that's organized, managed, and made available through a Web site.

  • RSS, which stands for Really Simple Syndication, is a type of software that lets you read news, aggregate content, and receive updates from multiple sites—either across the Web or on a corporate intranet. An RSS reader or aggregator sits on your desktop and alerts you when new content is available. Some retailers use RSS feeds to supplement E-mail blasts—an issue of push versus pull, with respect for the individual preferences that each user specifies. Content sites use them to provide breaking news—for example, you can use an RSS aggregator to subscribe to certain types of stories from CNN, Salon, or ABC News. On a corporate intranet, an RSS reader can help you round up content relevant to your role within the organization.

  • A wiki is a special type of Web site that allows a group of people to build, edit, and modify content. All users can maintain and edit the site without programming—and without even knowing HTML. Wikis are easy to learn and use, making them accessible to everyone. Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia created and edited by an online community, is the best example of this technology.

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