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A CGI Framework in Python (Web Techniques, Feb 1998)

#  User registration module

Error = "User.Error exception"

# The following function will open a GDBM database and return the
# database object; a module-level private variable is used so that 
# the file will only be opened once.

_gdbmDB = None                          
def _openDB():
    global _gdbmDB
    if _gdbmDB == None: 
        import gdbm
        _gdbmDB = gdbm.open('userDatabase', 'c', 0600)
    return _gdbmDB
class User:
    "The fundamental class that represents a user"

    # The constructor for a User object; if more fields were 
    # added, they should be initialized here.
    def __init__(self, userID="", password=""):
        self.userID, self.password = userID, password

    def getCookie(self):
        "Produce the string required to set a cookie containing a login token"
        token = makeToken(self.userID)
        return 'userID=%s; path=/' % (token,)

    def save(self):
        "Save the object's current state into the database"
        import pickle
        db = _openDB()
        db[ self.userID ] = pickle.dumps(self)

# This is some super-secret information, hashed together 
# with the userID to generate a (hopefully) unforgeable 
# token.  It's some random bytes from /dev/urandom on my Linux box.
_secretInfo = "\016\327\132\154\215\256\373\023\362\132\047\023"
def makeToken(userID):
    "Given a user ID, compute the hash and return the resulting token"
    import md5, base64, string
    digest = md5.new(_secretInfo + userID + _secretInfo).digest()

    # The token will contain the user ID and the digest, separated by /
    token = userID + '/' + digest

    # To avoid illegal characters in the digest, the token is base-64 encoded.
    token = base64.encodestring(token)
    # base64.encodestring adds a newline to its result, so we have to 
    # strip it off
    return string.strip(token)

def checkToken(token):
    """Given a user ID and a token, verify that the digest portion
    matches the user ID.  Returns false if it fails, and the user ID
    if it succeeds."""
    import md5, base64, string

    # Undo the base-64 encoding
    token = base64.decodestring(token+'\n')

    slash = string.find(token, '/')
    if slash == -1:
        return ""   # Malformed authentication token

    # Check that the digest matches.
    userID = token[:slash]
    digest = md5.new(_secretInfo + userID + _secretInfo).digest()
    if digest!=token[slash+1:]:
        return ""  # Digest portion of token doesn't match

    # The token checks out.
    return userID
def createUser(userID, password, headers):
    """Create a new user with the given ID and password.  
    Raises User.Error if the name's already taken, or if 
    the password fails some simple checks.  A cookie is 
    handed out containing the authentication token."""

    import regex
    db = _openDB()
    if db.has_key(userID):
        raise Error, "There's already a user by that name."
    elif password == "":
        raise Error, "You can't leave the password empty."
    elif password == userID:
        raise Error, "It's a bad idea to use your ID as your password."
    elif regex.match('^[A-Za-z_0-9]+$', userID) == -1:
        raise Error, "User IDs can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores."
    # It looks like it's OK to create the user, so create a new User 
    # object and call its save() method, telling the object to store itself
    # in the database.
    userObj = User(userID, password)

    token = makeToken(userID)
    headers['Set-Cookie'] = userObj.getCookie()
    return userObj
def loginUser(userID, password, headers):
    """Log in a user; this requires checking the password, and 
    handing out a cookie containing the authentication token."""

    db = _openDB()
    import pickle
    if not db.has_key(userID):
        raise Error, "There's either no such user, or the password is incorrect."
    userObj = pickle.loads( db[userID] )
    if password != userObj.password:
        raise Error, "There's either no such user, or the password is incorrect."

    # It's OK, so drop a cookie on the user
    headers['Set-Cookie'] = userObj.getCookie()
    return userObj

def getCurrentUser(environ):
    """Read the cookie to determine the user's ID, and returns their
    User object.  Returns None if no ID could be determined."""    
        cookie = environ['HTTP_COOKIE']
    except KeyError:
        return None                     # No cookie present

    # There's a complete cookie module available for Python, but we'll
    # just use a regex to get the cookie's value.  The following
    # regular expression looks kind of ugly because the regex module
    # uses an Emacs-like regex syntax. In Python 1.5, the new re
    # module will provide regular expressions that support almost all
    # the features of Perl's regexes.

    import regex
    IDpat = regex.compile('userID[ \t]*=[ \t]*\([^ \t;]*\)')
    if IDpat.search(cookie) == -1:
        # No match for the regex could be found
        return None

    # Get the token, and verify that it's correct.  If it is, 
    token = IDpat.group(1)
    userID = checkToken(token)
    if userID: 
        db = _openDB()
        import pickle
        if not db.has_key(userID):
            return None
        return pickle.loads( db[userID] )

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